Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Lead API allows an agent to view and manage leads associated with his/her agency office.
A lead can be received from several sources such as marketplaces and other partners. The agent need to handle a new lead by marking its status as approved (APPROVED
) or rejected (REJECTED
Leads can be also sent to a partner as an outgoing lead.
If you have any questions, comments or feedback regarding our APIs, please contact
Below is the summary of most common error codes included in the response's errorCode
HTTP status code | Error code | Meaning |
Invalid request with e.g. missing mandatory parameters. |
Invalid request body with e.g. missing mandatory fields. |
Mandatory value missing for the request. |
Invalid data type provided for the value in the request. |
Unable to perform the request operation due to invalid state. |
Unauthorized request. |
404 | INVALID_ID |
Missing or invalid identifier. |
Missing or invalid API key. |
Unsupported media type. |
A technical error has occurred. |
This endpoint is used by marketplaces to create leads. A marketplace specific permission is required to use this endpoint.
marketplaceCode required | string (MarketplaceSourceCode) Enum: "ETUOVI" "VUOKRAOVI" "OIKOTIE" "KL_TOIMITILAT" "TOIMITILAT_FI" |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the details for the lead.
required | object Lead details |
{- "lead": {
- "leadTypeCode": "SELLER_REFERRAL",
- "agencyOffice": {
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8"
}, - "realty": {
- "friendlyId": "123456",
- "address": {
- "streetAddress": "Katu 1",
- "stairwell": "A",
- "apartmentNumber": "1",
- "postcode": "00100",
- "postalArea": "Helsinki"
}, - "message": "Haluan lisätietoja asunnosta",
- "additionalNote": "Yhteydenotto mieluiten aamuisin ennen klo 10.",
- "customer": {
- "firstName": "Teemu",
- "lastName": "Virtanen",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+358501234567"
}, - "recipient": {
- "name": "Kiinteistöykkönen Oy",
- "emailAddress": ""
}, - "supplierAssignedIdentifiers": [
- {
- "schemeId": "realtorSystemLeadId",
- "supplierAssignedId": "abcd"
], - "tags": [
- "Kesäkampanja 2024",
- "Toimistoyhteydenotto"
{- "leadId": "ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd"
An agent can fetch all the leads for his/her agency offices.
leadId | Array of strings <uuid> (LeadId) [^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8...] Example: leadId=ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd Search by the lead identifier to get a list of leads having these identifiers. |
agentId | string <uuid> (AgentId) ^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8... Example: agentId=5d2a6d47-da73-4b11-8940-27cffabb6de5 Search by the agent identifier to get a list of leads the agent is associated with. |
agencyOfficeId | Array of strings <uuid> (AgencyOfficeId) [^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8...] Example: agencyOfficeId=212114ec-819e-483c-a8e0-f82289ac6e19 Search by the agency office identifiers to get a list of leads that belong to certain agency offices. |
partyId | string <uuid> (PartyId) ^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8... Example: partyId=62701576-2621-4a27-8d2b-63cea492abb6 Search by the party identifier to get a list of leads associated with the party. |
leadStatusCode | Array of strings (LeadStatusCode) Items Enum: "NEW" "IN_PROGRESS" "APPROVED" "REJECTED" Example: leadStatusCode=NEW Search by the lead status codes to get a list of leads that have certain statuses. |
Array of MarketplaceSourceCode (string) or OtherSourceCode (string) (LeadSourceTypeCode) Example: leadSourceTypeCode=BANK Search by the lead source types to get a list of leads that have certain lead source types. | |
realtyFriendlyId | string Example: realtyFriendlyId=D66927 Search by the realty identifier to get a list of leads associated with the realty. |
startIndex | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Example: startIndex=20 Paginate leads starting from this index. Index starts from 0. |
size | integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Example: size=40 Leads returned per page. |
sort | Array of strings Example: sort=validAfter|desc Sort leads based on the specified fields. Each field must also include a sort order as follows:
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
{- "totalCount": 2,
- "leads": [
- {
- "leadId": "ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd",
- "leadStatusCode": "NEW",
- "leadActionCodes": [ ],
- "lead": {
- "leadTypeCode": "SELLER_REFERRAL",
- "leadSourceTypeCode": "BANK",
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8",
- "realty": {
- "friendlyId": "123456",
- "address": {
- "streetAddress": "Katu 1",
- "stairwell": "A",
- "apartmentNumber": "1",
- "postcode": "00100",
- "postalArea": "Helsinki"
}, - "message": "Haluan lisätietoja asunnosta",
- "additionalNote": "Yhteydenotto mieluiten aamuisin ennen klo 10.",
- "customer": {
- "firstName": "Teemu",
- "lastName": "Virtanen",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+358501234567",
- "partyId": "62701576-2621-4a27-8d2b-63cea492abb6"
}, - "recipient": {
- "name": "Kiinteistöykkönen Oy",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "agencyOfficeId": "6ad770c0-8495-4564-a05d-f72e06af36ba"
}, - "supplierAssignedIdentifiers": [ ],
- "tags": [
- "Kesäkampanja 2024",
- "Toimistoyhteydenotto"
}, - "creationTime": "2023-08-02T13:32:28Z",
- "modificationTime": "2023-08-03T11:45:09Z"
}, - {
- "leadId": "ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd",
- "leadStatusCode": "APPROVED",
- "leadActionCodes": [
], - "lead": {
- "leadTypeCode": "BUYER_REFERRAL",
- "leadSourceTypeCode": "BANK",
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8",
- "message": "",
- "additionalNote": "",
- "customer": {
- "firstName": "Minna",
- "lastName": "Monnila",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+358501234567",
- "partyId": "08e21d7b-db8a-45d8-9632-a91e9138b4f4"
}, - "recipient": {
- "name": "Kiinteistöykkönen Oy",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8"
}, - "supplierAssignedIdentifiers": [
- {
- "schemeId": "realtorSystemLeadId",
- "supplierAssignedId": "abcd"
], - "tags": [
- "Kesäkampanja 2024"
}, - "assignmentTime": "2023-08-02T13:32:28Z",
- "decisionTime": "2023-08-03T11:45:09Z",
- "creationTime": "2023-07-13T17:32:28Z",
- "modificationTime": "2023-07-13T17:32:28Z"
Create a new lead. The lead can arrive from a marketplace or from a partner.
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the details for the lead.
required | object (Lead) Lead details |
{- "lead": {
- "leadTypeCode": "SELLER_REFERRAL",
- "leadSourceTypeCode": "BANK",
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8",
- "realty": {
- "friendlyId": "123456",
- "address": {
- "streetAddress": "Katu 1",
- "stairwell": "A",
- "apartmentNumber": "1",
- "postcode": "00100",
- "postalArea": "Helsinki"
}, - "message": "Haluan lisätietoja asunnosta",
- "additionalNote": "Yhteydenotto mieluiten aamuisin ennen klo 10.",
- "customer": {
- "firstName": "Teemu",
- "lastName": "Virtanen",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+358501234567",
- "partyId": "62701576-2621-4a27-8d2b-63cea492abb6"
}, - "recipient": {
- "name": "Kiinteistöykkönen Oy",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "agencyOfficeId": "6ad770c0-8495-4564-a05d-f72e06af36ba"
}, - "supplierAssignedIdentifiers": [
- {
- "schemeId": "realtorSystemLeadId",
- "supplierAssignedId": "abcd"
], - "tags": [
- "Kesäkampanja 2024",
- "Toimistoyhteydenotto"
{- "leadId": "ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd"
Update details for the specified lead.
leadId required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the lead. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the details for the lead.
leadStatusCode required | string (LeadStatusCode) Enum: "NEW" "IN_PROGRESS" "APPROVED" "REJECTED" Lead status. The status defines if the lead is approved or rejected. Possible values are:
required | object (LeadUpdate) Lead update |
{- "leadStatusCode": "APPROVED",
- "leadActionCodes": [
], - "lead": {
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8",
- "agentId": "2dca92fa-0a9a-4903-bca2-6d6c74995e8d",
- "additionalNote": "Yhteydenotto mieluiten aamuisin ennen klo 10.",
- "customer": {
- "partyId": "62701576-2621-4a27-8d2b-63cea492abb6"
{ }
Outgoing Lead API allows an agent to manage all the outgoing leads for his/her agency offices and create a lead for a partner.
An agent can fetch all the outgoing leads for his/her agency offices.
leadId | Array of strings <uuid> (LeadId) [^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8...] Example: leadId=ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd Search by the lead identifier to get a list of outgoing leads having these identifiers. |
agentId | string <uuid> (AgentId) ^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8... Example: agentId=5d2a6d47-da73-4b11-8940-27cffabb6de5 Search by the agent identifier to get a list of outgoing leads the agent is associated with. |
agencyOfficeId | Array of strings <uuid> (AgencyOfficeId) [^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8...] Example: agencyOfficeId=212114ec-819e-483c-a8e0-f82289ac6e19 Search by the agency office identifiers to get a list of outgoing leads that were sent by certain agency offices. |
partyId | string <uuid> (PartyId) ^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8... Example: partyId=62701576-2621-4a27-8d2b-63cea492abb6 Search by the party identifier to get a list of outgoing leads associated with the party. |
realtyId | string <uuid> (RealtyId) Example: realtyId=9fd9124c-e6c1-4368-9f17-6938f0e2f524 Search by the realty identifier to get a list of outgoing leads associated with the realty. |
startIndex | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Example: startIndex=20 Paginate leads starting from this index. Index starts from 0. |
size | integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Example: size=40 Leads returned per page. |
sort | Array of strings Example: sort=validAfter|desc Sort leads based on the specified fields. Each field must also include a sort order as follows:
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
{- "totalCount": 2,
- "leads": [
- {
- "leadId": "ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd",
- "lead": {
- "languageCode": "fi",
- "subject": "Muista hakea lainaa ajoissa",
- "message": "Asiakkaalla tarve uudelle asuntolainalle",
- "additionalNote": "Yhteydenotto mieluiten aamuisin ennen klo 9:00.",
- "realty": {
- "realtyId": "9fd9124c-e6c1-4368-9f17-6938f0e2f524",
- "friendlyId": "D66927"
}, - "documents": [
- {
- "documentId": "7634091f-a637-4a9b-be75-ba008e221d31",
- "documentTypeCode": "BROCHURE"
}, - {
- "documentId": "aaa4f3d9-f8c4-4017-bcee-366fc8acbd78",
- "documentTypeCode": "TITLE_CERTIFICATE"
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Teemu",
- "lastName": "Virtanen",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "partyId": "62701576-2621-4a27-8d2b-63cea492abb6"
}, - "sender": {
- "firstName": "Minna",
- "lastName": "Monnila",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+358501234567",
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8",
- "agentId": "7b2a906c-9e68-4c06-be27-3d8a3fd79651"
}, - "creationTime": "2023-08-02T13:32:28Z"
}, - {
- "leadId": "ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd",
- "lead": {
- "languageCode": "fi",
- "subject": "Muista hakea lainaa ajoissa",
- "message": "Asiakkaalla tarve uudelle asuntolainalle",
- "additionalNote": "Yhteydenotto mieluiten aamuisin ennen klo 9:00.",
- "realty": {
- "realtyId": "ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806",
- "friendlyId": "D173248"
}, - "documents": [ ]
}, - "customer": {
- "firstName": "Minna",
- "lastName": "Monnila",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "partyId": "92f3f480-ce29-4328-9c4d-42ab1a3cd451"
}, - "sender": {
- "firstName": "Teemu",
- "lastName": "Virtanen",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+358501234567",
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8",
- "agentId": "7b2a906c-9e68-4c06-be27-3d8a3fd79651"
}, - "creationTime": "2023-07-13T17:32:28Z"
Create a new outgoing lead. The lead will be sent to a partner.
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the details for the lead.
required | object (OutgoingLead) Lead details |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "lead": {
- "languageCode": "fi",
- "subject": "Muista hakea lainaa ajoissa",
- "message": "Haluan lisätietoja asunnosta",
- "additionalNote": "Yhteydenotto mieluiten aamulla ennen klo 10.",
- "realty": {
- "realtyId": "9fd9124c-e6c1-4368-9f17-6938f0e2f524",
- "friendlyId": "D66927"
}, - "documents": [
- {
- "documentId": "7634091f-a637-4a9b-be75-ba008e221d31",
- "documentTypeCode": "BROCHURE"
}, - "customer": {
- "partyId": "62701576-2621-4a27-8d2b-63cea492abb6"
}, - "sender": {
- "agencyOfficeId": "7bdffe48-0077-4de0-acd4-d9b9b1ab49f8"
{- "leadId": "ac34ee3b-3f6e-469e-8d02-9fa37f311ccd"