Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Offer API allows an agent to manage purchase offers and counter offers for realties. Offers are divided into different types:
Counter offer is a sub-resource to purchase offer. Together they form an offer chain.
A purchase offer can be a starting point for a number of counter offers. The following diagram shows an example of a purchase offer chain with two counter offers and possible replies to the offers.
If you have any questions, comments or feedback regarding our APIs, please contact
Create a new purchase offer.
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the details for the purchase offer.
assignmentId | string <uuid> (AssignmentId) ^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8... Unique identifier for the assignment in the UUID format. |
required | object (PurchaseOffer) Contains the buyer-specific conditions for the offer. |
required | object (OfferValidity) Contains details about offer validity. Note that the end date also includes the time. |
required | Array of objects (BuyerPartyForOffer) non-empty Specifies the buyer customers which are associated with this offer. |
required | Array of objects (SellerPartyForOffer) non-empty Specifies the seller customers which are associated with this offer. If the offer has a sales assignment, the seller parties must be picked from the assignment. |
required | Array of objects (Assets) non-empty Assets to be included in this offer. An offer typically includes one asset. However, there are situations when an offer may include several assets:
required | Array of objects (Attachments) Specifies the documents which the offerer has examined. If the document was delivered directly from Ovi PRO, the |
{- "assignmentId": "d265a413-a83e-40f1-b185-a3b1fb74c905",
- "purchaseOffer": {
- "responsibleAgentId": "75733f00-6ebf-4aa2-a350-7a23957c6bfb",
- "agencyOfficeId": "1e833061-551c-4208-acbf-7b0dc793eadc",
- "isAuction": false,
- "approvalDeliveryMethods": [
- {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_EMAIL",
- "deliveryAddress": ""
}, - {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_SMS",
- "deliveryAddress": "+358501235678"
], - "proprietaryRightsTransfer": {
- "transferConditionCode": "UPON_CLOSING",
- "pledgingOfSharesByBuyer": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesByBuyer": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesByBuyerAmount": 45000,
- "otherCollateral": true,
- "collateralDescription": "Toinen asunto panttina",
- "pledgingOfSharesBySeller": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesBySeller": true,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesBySellerAmount": 10000,
- "compensationUponDelayedPayment": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "possessoryRightsTransfer": {
- "transferConditionCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Ensimmäisen maksuerän jälkeen",
- "lumpSumCompensationAmount": 50000,
- "weeklyCompensationAmount": 1000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "offerConditions": {
- "conditions": [
- {
- "offerConditionCode": "BUYER_SELLS_OWN_REALTY_FIRST",
- "byDate": "2022-01-10",
- "description": "Oman asunnon myynti",
- "ownRealtyAddress": "Kuusitie 1, 00100 Helsinki",
- "isConditionallyAcceptable": true
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "ACCESS_TO_LOAN_GRANTED",
- "byDate": "2022-01-05"
}, - {
- "byDate": "2022-01-01",
- "description": "Ostaja alaikäinen, minkä vuoksi tarvitaan viranomaisen lupa"
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT",
- "byDate": "2022-01-01",
- "reportDeliveredByDate": "2023-01-15",
- "description": "Rakennuksen kosteusmittaus"
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "OTHER_CONDITION",
- "byDate": "2022-01-02",
- "description": "Autopaikka myytynä 2022-01-02 mennessä"
], - "inspectionExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "otherConditions": {
- "digitalTradingAllowed": true,
- "digitalTradingExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "payment": {
- "paymentTermsCode": "CASH",
- "paymentTermsDescription": "Maksetaan käteisellä myyjälle",
- "oneTimePayment": false,
- "paymentPlanDescription": "Maksetaan kahdessa erässä käteismaksuna",
- "latePaymentInterest": 3,
- "buyerResponsibleForPaymentsSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "buyerResponsibleForFinancingChargesSinceDate": "2022-01-15"
}, - "compensationUponAnnulment": {
- "compensationUponAnnulmentAmount": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "privacyStatementDeliveryCode": "INCLUDED_AS_APPENDIX",
- "downPayment": {
- "downPaymentAmount": 5000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR",
- "paymentScheduleCode": "UPON_SUBMISSION",
- "dueDate": "2022-01-10"
}, - "additionalDescription": "Kaikki ehdot oltava voimassa, jotta kauppa voidaan toteuttaa",
- "otherTerms": "Kauppa toteutetaan, jos kuntotarkastuksessa ei ilmene merkittäviä vikoja"
}, - "otherPropertyConditions": {
- "propertyTaxExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER"
}, - "landRentExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER_AND_BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja ja myyjä maksavat 50 % kustannuksista"
}, - "certificationOfPurchaseExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja vastaa kaupanvahvistuksen kustannuksista"
}, - "expensesSinceCode": "SINCE_POSSESSION_TRANSFER",
- "digitalTransferExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja maksaa panttikirjan digitaaliset siirtokustannukset"
}, - "liabilityOfRiskTransfer": "Vaaranvastuu siirtyy hallintaoikeuden siirtymisestä alkaen",
- "digitalTradeContractualPenalty": {
- "digitalTradeContractualPenaltyAmount": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "subdivisionExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "offerValidity": {
- "validUntil": "2021-08-12T15:00:00.000Z",
- "saleDeedSigningDeadline": "2021-09-01"
}, - "buyerCustomerParties": [
- {
- "partyId": "13974667-a0dd-4ee3-b2b1-8d28248b1f6e",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "primaryContact": true,
- "transferTaxRequiredCode": "TRANSFER_TAX_REQUIRED",
- "bankAuthorizedToPayTransferTax": true
}, - {
- "partyId": "aa83f668-0092-407d-b133-384841a5ab2f",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "transferTaxRequiredCode": "FIRST_TIME_HOME_BUYER"
], - "sellerCustomerParties": [
- {
- "partyId": "23974667-a0dd-4ee3-b2b1-8d28248b1f6f",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "primaryContact": true
], - "assets": [
- {
- "realtyId": "0e1e2539-c177-46cd-9fcf-47b1af5df8e0",
- "realtyTypeCode": "RESIDENTIAL_SHARE",
- "subcategoryCode": "SHARE",
- "share": {
- "shareGroupIdentifiers": [
- "1-300",
- "450-500"
], - "shareCertificateFormCode": "DIGITAL",
- "shareCertificateLocation": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "redemptionClauseExists": false
}, - "price": {
- "sellingPrice": 190000,
- "debtFreePriceAmount": 240000,
- "debtAmount": 150000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR",
- "housingCompanyDebtDate": "2021-12-10",
- "housingManagerCertificateDate": "2021-12-02"
}, - "termsAndConditions": {
- "shareCertificateUsedAsPledge": true,
- "pledgeHolder": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "realtySoldAsLeased": true,
- "leaseConditions": {
- "rentPayableToBuyerSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "depositTransferDate": "2022-01-16",
- "rentAmount": 900,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - {
- "realtyId": "b2495553-7717-472e-b5c7-aa50554cf27c",
- "realtyTypeCode": "ESTATE_PROPERTY",
- "subcategoryCode": "PROPERTY",
- "property": {
- "designatedShare": {
- "divisible": 1,
- "divider": 3
}, - "jointOwnershipAgreementCode": "REGISTERED",
- "jointOwnershipAgreementDescription": "Hallinnanjakosopimus laaditaan myöhemmin.",
- "parcelId": "564-404-11-82-M601",
- "subdivisionArea": {
- "value": 12,
- "areaUnitCode": "M2"
}, - "primaryDivisionBasisCode": "MAP_ATTACHED",
- "primaryDivisionBasisDescription": "Määräala on lohkottu muulla perusteella",
- "propertyHasBuildings": true,
- "buildingsHaveJointOwnershipAgreement": true,
- "mortgageDeeds": [
- {
- "mortgageDeedFormCode": "PAPER",
- "mortgageDeedIdentifier": "34-63-45",
- "mortgageDeedDate": "2005-10-16"
}, - {
- "mortgageDeedFormCode": "DIGITAL",
- "mortgageDeedIdentifier": "93-23-14",
- "mortgageDeedDate": "2022-12-31"
], - "mortgageDeedLocation": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "additionalInformation": "Kiinteistöllä on useita panttikirjoja."
}, - "price": {
- "sellingPrice": 129000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "termsAndConditions": {
- "realtySoldAsLeased": true,
- "leaseConditions": {
- "rentPayableToBuyerSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "depositTransferDate": "2022-01-16",
- "rentAmount": 900,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
], - "attachments": [
- {
- "documentTypeCode": "BROCHURE",
- "dateDelivered": "2021-11-24",
- "documentId": "9f17b750-9800-4f50-8b49-68a5f511de87"
}, - {
- "documentTypeCode": "FINANCIAL_STATEMENT",
- "dateDelivered": "2021-11-24"
{- "offerId": "7266e36e-5e9b-40f3-9965-297f7ed10218"
Fetch purchase offers by using different search criteria. You can combine the search criteria, for example to search for active purchase offers for a specified agency office.
offerStatusCode | Array of strings (OfferStatusCode) Items Enum: "DRAFT" "READY_FOR_SIGNING" "ACTIVE" "ACCEPTED" "REJECTED" "EXPIRED" "COUNTER_OFFERED" Example: offerStatusCode=ACTIVE Search by the offer status code to fetch offers having specific statuses. |
offerChainStatusCode | Array of strings (OfferChainStatusCode) Items Enum: "DRAFT" "ACTIVE" "ACCEPTED" "REJECTED" "EXPIRED" Example: offerChainStatusCode=ACTIVE Search by the offer chain status code to fetch offers having specific offer chain statuses. |
realtyId | string <uuid> (RealtyId) Example: realtyId=9fd9124c-e6c1-4368-9f17-6938f0e2f524 Search by the realty identifier to get a list of offers that belong to certain realty. |
assignmentId | string <uuid> (AssignmentId) ^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8... Example: assignmentId=9238cf7b-b86a-49a5-b54f-cbdfcd03e9c9 Search by the assignment identifier to fetch the continuation agreements for this assignment. |
modifiedAfter | string <date-time> (Timestamp) Example: modifiedAfter=2021-09-21T17:32:28Z Search by the modification time to get a list of offers that were modified after given timestamp. |
startIndex | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Example: startIndex=20 Paginate returned offers starting from this index. Index starts from 0. |
size | integer <int32> [ 1 .. 50 ] Default: 25 Example: size=25 Offers returned per page. |
sort | Array of strings Example: sort=validAfter|desc Sort offers based on the specified fields. Each fields must also include a sort order as follows:
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
{- "totalCount": 1,
- "purchaseOffers": [
- {
- "offerId": "7266e36e-5e9b-40f3-9965-297f7ed10218",
- "assignmentId": "d265a413-a83e-40f1-b185-a3b1fb74c905",
- "offerStatusCode": "COUNTER_OFFERED",
- "offerChainStatusCode": "ACCEPTED",
- "offerTypeCode": "PURCHASE_OFFER",
- "responsibleAgent": {
- "agentId": "da3a543e-4220-4c1f-8cda-2ae0b2e596e0",
- "roleCode": "RESPONSIBLE_AGENT",
- "firstName": "Veikko",
- "lastName": "Viljanen"
}, - "isAuction": false,
- "offerValidity": {
- "validUntil": "2021-08-12T15:00:00.000Z",
- "saleDeedSigningDeadline": "2021-09-01"
}, - "buyerCustomerParties": [
- {
- "partyId": "7ee90cd7-1189-4166-88d8-5117c7333639",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY"
}, - {
- "partyId": "978045b9-8bad-4ef0-a7c9-62a99a877c82",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY"
], - "sellerCustomerParties": [
- {
- "partyId": "3647910b-26f3-4761-82c9-cd1b6b494023",
- "partyTypeCode": "ORGANIZATION_PARTY"
], - "assetPrices": [
- {
- "realtyId": "0e1e2539-c177-46cd-9fcf-47b1af5df8e0",
- "realtyTypeCode": "RESIDENTIAL_SHARE",
- "price": {
- "sellingPrice": 190000,
- "debtFreePriceAmount": 200000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
], - "counterOffers": [
- {
- "counterOfferId": "11da7863-8e9c-443e-b486-48648f355a60",
- "offerStatusCode": "COUNTER_OFFERED",
- "validUntil": "2021-08-12T18:00:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "counterOfferId": "63024a01-a4be-4ceb-ac1a-1ec9bb8bceae",
- "previousCounterOfferId": "11da7863-8e9c-443e-b486-48648f355a60",
- "offerStatusCode": "ACCEPTED",
- "validUntil": "2021-08-13T10:00:00.000Z"
], - "creationTime": "2021-08-12T13:07:23.000Z",
- "modificationTime": "2021-08-12T16:07:23.000Z"
Fetch details for the specified purchase offer.
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
{- "offerId": "d1b0fc64-e6ab-4889-bfd7-861edc8d4356",
- "assignmentId": "e1050cdc-34a7-435b-b940-1d3442a34f2f",
- "offerStatusCode": "COUNTER_OFFERED",
- "offerChainStatusCode": "ACTIVE",
- "offerTypeCode": "PURCHASE_OFFER",
- "purchaseOffer": {
- "responsibleAgentId": "75733f00-6ebf-4aa2-a350-7a23957c6bfb",
- "agencyOfficeId": "1e833061-551c-4208-acbf-7b0dc793eadc",
- "isAuction": false,
- "approvalDeliveryMethods": [
- {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_EMAIL",
- "deliveryAddress": ""
}, - {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_SMS",
- "deliveryAddress": "+358501235678"
], - "proprietaryRightsTransfer": {
- "transferConditionCode": "UPON_CLOSING",
- "pledgingOfSharesByBuyer": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesByBuyer": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesByBuyerAmount": 45000,
- "otherCollateral": true,
- "collateralDescription": "Toinen asunto panttina",
- "pledgingOfSharesBySeller": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesBySeller": true,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesBySellerAmount": 10000,
- "compensationUponDelayedPayment": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "possessoryRightsTransfer": {
- "transferConditionCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Ensimmäisen maksuerän jälkeen",
- "lumpSumCompensationAmount": 50000,
- "weeklyCompensationAmount": 1000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "offerConditions": {
- "conditions": [
- {
- "offerConditionCode": "BUYER_SELLS_OWN_REALTY_FIRST",
- "byDate": "2022-01-10",
- "description": "Oman asunnon myynti",
- "ownRealtyAddress": "Kuusitie 1, 00100 Helsinki",
- "isConditionallyAcceptable": true
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "ACCESS_TO_LOAN_GRANTED",
- "byDate": "2022-01-05"
}, - {
- "byDate": "2022-01-01",
- "description": "Ostaja alaikäinen, minkä vuoksi tarvitaan viranomaisen lupa"
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT",
- "description": "Rakennuksen kosteusmittaus"
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "OTHER_CONDITION",
- "byDate": "2022-01-02",
- "description": "Autopaikka myytynä 2022-01-02 mennessä"
], - "inspectionExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "otherConditions": {
- "digitalTradingAllowed": true,
- "digitalTradingExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "payment": {
- "paymentTermsCode": "CASH",
- "paymentTermsDescription": "Maksetaan käteisellä myyjälle",
- "oneTimePayment": false,
- "paymentPlanDescription": "Maksetaan kahdessa erässä käteismaksuna",
- "latePaymentInterest": 3,
- "buyerResponsibleForPaymentsSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "buyerResponsibleForFinancingChargesSinceDate": "2022-01-15"
}, - "compensationUponAnnulment": {
- "compensationUponAnnulmentAmount": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "privacyStatementDeliveryCode": "INCLUDED_AS_APPENDIX",
- "downPayment": {
- "downPaymentAmount": 5000,
- "paymentScheduleCode": "UPON_SUBMISSION",
- "currencyCode": "EUR",
- "dueDate": "2022-01-10"
}, - "additionalDescription": "Kaikki ehdot oltava voimassa, jotta kauppa voidaan toteuttaa",
- "otherTerms": "Kauppa toteutetaan, jos kuntotarkastuksessa ei ilmene merkittäviä vikoja"
}, - "otherPropertyConditions": {
- "propertyTaxExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER"
}, - "landRentExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER_AND_BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja ja myyjä maksavat 50 % kustannuksista"
}, - "certificationOfPurchaseExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja vastaa kaupanvahvistuksen kustannuksista"
}, - "expensesSinceCode": "SINCE_POSSESSION_TRANSFER",
- "digitalTransferExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja maksaa panttikirjan digitaaliset siirtokustannukset"
}, - "liabilityOfRiskTransfer": "Vaaranvastuu siirtyy hallintaoikeuden siirtymisestä alkaen",
- "digitalTradeContractualPenalty": {
- "digitalTradeContractualPenaltyAmount": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "subdivisionExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "offerValidity": {
- "validUntil": "2021-08-12T15:00:00.000Z",
- "saleDeedSigningDeadline": "2021-09-01"
}, - "buyerCustomerParties": [
- {
- "partyId": "13974667-a0dd-4ee3-b2b1-8d28248b1f6e",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "primaryContact": true,
- "transferTaxRequiredCode": "TRANSFER_TAX_REQUIRED",
- "bankAuthorizedToPayTransferTax": true
}, - {
- "partyId": "aa83f668-0092-407d-b133-384841a5ab2f",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "transferTaxRequiredCode": "FIRST_TIME_HOME_BUYER"
], - "sellerCustomerParties": [
- {
- "partyId": "23974667-a0dd-4ee3-b2b1-8d28248b1f6f",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "primaryContact": true
], - "assets": [
- {
- "realtyId": "0e1e2539-c177-46cd-9fcf-47b1af5df8e0",
- "realtyTypeCode": "RESIDENTIAL_SHARE",
- "subcategoryCode": "SHARE",
- "share": {
- "shareGroupIdentifiers": [
- "1-300",
- "450-500"
], - "shareCertificateFormCode": "DIGITAL",
- "shareCertificateLocation": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "redemptionClauseExists": false
}, - "price": {
- "sellingPrice": 190000,
- "debtFreePriceAmount": 240000,
- "debtAmount": 150000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR",
- "housingCompanyDebtDate": "2021-12-10",
- "housingManagerCertificateDate": "2021-12-02"
}, - "termsAndConditions": {
- "shareCertificateUsedAsPledge": true,
- "pledgeHolder": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "realtySoldAsLeased": true,
- "leaseConditions": {
- "rentPayableToBuyerSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "depositTransferDate": "2022-01-16",
- "rentAmount": 900,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - {
- "realtyId": "b2495553-7717-472e-b5c7-aa50554cf27c",
- "realtyTypeCode": "ESTATE_PROPERTY",
- "subcategoryCode": "PROPERTY",
- "property": {
- "designatedShare": {
- "divisible": 1,
- "divider": 3
}, - "jointOwnershipAgreementCode": "REGISTERED",
- "jointOwnershipAgreementDescription": "Hallinnanjakosopimus laaditaan myöhemmin.",
- "parcelId": "564-404-11-82-M601",
- "subdivisionArea": {
- "value": 12,
- "areaUnitCode": "M2"
}, - "primaryDivisionBasisCode": "MAP_ATTACHED",
- "primaryDivisionBasisDescription": "Määräala on lohkottu muulla perusteella",
- "propertyHasBuildings": true,
- "buildingsHaveJointOwnershipAgreement": true,
- "mortgageDeeds": [
- {
- "mortgageDeedFormCode": "PAPER",
- "mortgageDeedIdentifier": "34-63-45",
- "mortgageDeedDate": "2005-10-16"
}, - {
- "mortgageDeedFormCode": "DIGITAL",
- "mortgageDeedIdentifier": "93-23-14",
- "mortgageDeedDate": "2022-12-31"
], - "mortgageDeedLocation": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "additionalInformation": "Kiinteistöllä on useita panttikirjoja."
}, - "price": {
- "sellingPrice": 129000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "termsAndConditions": {
- "realtySoldAsLeased": true,
- "leaseConditions": {
- "rentPayableToBuyerSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "depositTransferDate": "2022-01-16",
- "rentAmount": 900,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
], - "documents": {
- "offerorDocumentId": "e98f351b-5f49-4661-b981-49b05aa98a14",
- "receiverDocumentId": "7e3e7cba-cbb8-4e1d-92ad-62b105253fe0"
}, - "counterOffers": [
- {
- "counterOfferId": "ae49b451-cec3-43e7-a028-a95162e477b5",
- "offerStatusCode": "COUNTER_OFFERED",
- "counterOffer": {
- "byPartyCode": "SELLER",
- "changesRequiredDescription": "Vapautuminen myöhemmin eli 2022-04-01",
- "approvalDeliveryMethods": [
- {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_EMAIL",
- "deliveryAddress": ""
}, - {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_SMS",
- "deliveryAddress": "+358501235678"
}, - "offerValidity": {
- "validUntil": "2021-08-15T15:00:00.000Z"
}, - "assetPrices": [
- {
- "realtyId": "0e1e2539-c177-46cd-9fcf-47b1af5df8e0",
- "realtyTypeCode": "RESIDENTIAL_SHARE",
- "price": {
- "debtFreePriceAmount": 250000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
], - "documents": {
- "offerorDocumentId": "f0da37eb-0d2d-4628-8de5-e3cea6d54e29",
- "receiverDocumentId": "77b736f4-802b-40e7-a744-aafd5bfbd66c"
}, - "replyTime": "2021-08-12T13:07:23.000Z",
- "creationTime": "2021-08-12T13:07:23.000Z",
- "modificationTime": "2021-08-15T09:04:44.000Z"
}, - {
- "counterOfferId": "8a35693d-735a-4dbd-9a3a-8f624654f6df",
- "offerStatusCode": "ACCEPTED",
- "counterOffer": {
- "byPartyCode": "BUYER",
- "previousCounterOfferId": "ae49b451-cec3-43e7-a028-a95162e477b5",
- "changesRequiredDescription": "Myyjä maksaa kuntotutkimuksen.",
- "approvalDeliveryMethods": [
- {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_EMAIL",
- "deliveryAddress": ""
}, - {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_SMS",
- "deliveryAddress": "+358501235678"
}, - "offerValidity": {
- "validUntil": "2021-08-15T15:00:00.000Z"
}, - "assetPrices": [
- {
- "realtyId": "0e1e2539-c177-46cd-9fcf-47b1af5df8e0",
- "realtyTypeCode": "RESIDENTIAL_SHARE",
- "price": {
- "debtFreePriceAmount": 225000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
], - "documents": {
- "offerorDocumentId": "64880cbe-6e00-4563-9953-e74ee7f17b49",
- "receiverDocumentId": "d9b73b59-a170-43ce-abc7-6f172dae9a2a"
}, - "replyTime": "2021-08-13T13:07:23Z",
- "creationTime": "2021-08-13T13:07:23Z",
- "modificationTime": "2021-08-15T09:04:44Z"
], - "attachments": [
- {
- "documentTypeCode": "BROCHURE",
- "dateDelivered": "2021-11-24",
- "documentId": "9f17b750-9800-4f50-8b49-68a5f511de87"
}, - {
- "documentTypeCode": "FINANCIAL_STATEMENT",
- "dateDelivered": "2021-11-24"
], - "replyTime": "2021-08-13T13:07:23Z",
- "creationTime": "2023-05-08T12:35:45.793Z",
- "modificationTime": "2023-05-08T12:35:45.793Z"
Update a purchase offer.
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the details for the purchase offer.
offerId required | string <uuid> (OfferId) Unique identifier for the offer in the UUID format. |
assignmentId | string <uuid> (AssignmentId) ^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[8... Unique identifier for the assignment in the UUID format. |
required | object (PurchaseOffer) Contains the buyer-specific conditions for the offer. |
required | object (OfferValidity) Contains details about offer validity. Note that the end date also includes the time. |
required | Array of objects (BuyerPartyForOffer) non-empty Specifies the buyer customers which are associated with this offer. |
required | Array of objects (SellerPartyForOffer) non-empty Specifies the seller customers which are associated with this offer. If the offer has a sales assignment, the seller parties must be picked from the assignment. |
required | Array of objects (Assets) non-empty Assets to be included in this offer. An offer typically includes one asset. However, there are situations when an offer may include several assets:
required | Array of objects (Attachments) Specifies the documents which the offerer has examined. If the document was delivered directly from Ovi PRO, the |
{- "offerId": "7266e36e-5e9b-40f3-9965-297f7ed10218",
- "assignmentId": "d265a413-a83e-40f1-b185-a3b1fb74c905",
- "purchaseOffer": {
- "responsibleAgentId": "75733f00-6ebf-4aa2-a350-7a23957c6bfb",
- "agencyOfficeId": "1e833061-551c-4208-acbf-7b0dc793eadc",
- "isAuction": false,
- "approvalDeliveryMethods": [
- {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_EMAIL",
- "deliveryAddress": ""
}, - {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_SMS",
- "deliveryAddress": "+358501235678"
], - "proprietaryRightsTransfer": {
- "transferConditionCode": "UPON_CLOSING",
- "pledgingOfSharesByBuyer": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesByBuyer": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesByBuyerAmount": 45000,
- "otherCollateral": true,
- "collateralDescription": "Toinen asunto panttina",
- "pledgingOfSharesBySeller": false,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesBySeller": true,
- "secondaryPledgingOfSharesBySellerAmount": 10000,
- "compensationUponDelayedPayment": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "possessoryRightsTransfer": {
- "transferConditionCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Ensimmäisen maksuerän jälkeen",
- "lumpSumCompensationAmount": 50000,
- "weeklyCompensationAmount": 1000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "offerConditions": {
- "conditions": [
- {
- "offerConditionCode": "BUYER_SELLS_OWN_REALTY_FIRST",
- "byDate": "2022-01-10",
- "description": "Oman asunnon myynti",
- "ownRealtyAddress": "Kuusitie 1, 00100 Helsinki",
- "isConditionallyAcceptable": true
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "ACCESS_TO_LOAN_GRANTED",
- "byDate": "2022-01-05"
}, - {
- "byDate": "2022-01-01",
- "description": "Ostaja alaikäinen, minkä vuoksi tarvitaan viranomaisen lupa"
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT",
- "description": "Rakennuksen kosteusmittaus"
}, - {
- "offerConditionCode": "OTHER_CONDITION",
- "byDate": "2022-01-02",
- "description": "Autopaikka myytynä 2022-01-02 mennessä"
], - "inspectionExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "otherConditions": {
- "digitalTradingAllowed": true,
- "digitalTradingExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "OTHER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "payment": {
- "paymentTermsCode": "CASH",
- "paymentTermsDescription": "Maksetaan käteisellä myyjälle",
- "oneTimePayment": false,
- "paymentPlanDescription": "Maksetaan kahdessa erässä käteismaksuna",
- "latePaymentInterest": 3,
- "buyerResponsibleForPaymentsSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "buyerResponsibleForFinancingChargesSinceDate": "2022-01-15"
}, - "compensationUponAnnulment": {
- "compensationUponAnnulmentAmount": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "privacyStatementDeliveryCode": "INCLUDED_AS_APPENDIX",
- "downPayment": {
- "downPaymentAmount": 5000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR",
- "paymentScheduleCode": "UPON_SUBMISSION",
- "dueDate": "2022-01-10"
}, - "additionalDescription": "Kaikki ehdot oltava voimassa, jotta kauppa voidaan toteuttaa",
- "otherTerms": "Kauppa toteutetaan, jos kuntotarkastuksessa ei ilmene merkittäviä vikoja"
}, - "otherPropertyConditions": {
- "propertyTaxExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER"
}, - "landRentExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER_AND_BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja ja myyjä maksavat 50 % kustannuksista"
}, - "certificationOfPurchaseExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja vastaa kaupanvahvistuksen kustannuksista"
}, - "expensesSinceCode": "SINCE_POSSESSION_TRANSFER",
- "digitalTransferExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "BUYER",
- "description": "Ostaja maksaa panttikirjan digitaaliset siirtokustannukset"
}, - "liabilityOfRiskTransfer": "Vaaranvastuu siirtyy hallintaoikeuden siirtymisestä alkaen",
- "digitalTradeContractualPenalty": {
- "digitalTradeContractualPenaltyAmount": 50000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "subdivisionExpenses": {
- "expensesPaidByCode": "SELLER",
- "description": "Myyjä maksaa 80 % kustannuksista"
}, - "offerValidity": {
- "validUntil": "2021-08-12T15:00:00.000Z",
- "saleDeedSigningDeadline": "2021-09-01"
}, - "buyerCustomerParties": [
- {
- "partyId": "13974667-a0dd-4ee3-b2b1-8d28248b1f6e",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "primaryContact": true,
- "transferTaxRequiredCode": "TRANSFER_TAX_REQUIRED",
- "bankAuthorizedToPayTransferTax": true
}, - {
- "partyId": "aa83f668-0092-407d-b133-384841a5ab2f",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "transferTaxRequiredCode": "FIRST_TIME_HOME_BUYER"
], - "sellerCustomerParties": [
- {
- "partyId": "13974667-a0dd-4ee3-b2b1-8d28248b1f6f",
- "partyTypeCode": "PERSON_PARTY",
- "primaryContact": true
], - "assets": [
- {
- "realtyId": "0e1e2539-c177-46cd-9fcf-47b1af5df8e0",
- "realtyTypeCode": "RESIDENTIAL_SHARE",
- "subcategoryCode": "SHARE",
- "share": {
- "shareGroupIdentifiers": [
- "1-300",
- "450-500"
], - "shareCertificateFormCode": "DIGITAL",
- "shareCertificateLocation": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "redemptionClauseExists": false
}, - "price": {
- "sellingPrice": 190000,
- "debtFreePriceAmount": 240000,
- "debtAmount": 150000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR",
- "housingCompanyDebtDate": "2021-12-10",
- "housingManagerCertificateDate": "2021-12-02"
}, - "termsAndConditions": {
- "shareCertificateUsedAsPledge": true,
- "pledgeHolder": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "realtySoldAsLeased": true,
- "leaseConditions": {
- "rentPayableToBuyerSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "depositTransferDate": "2022-01-16",
- "rentAmount": 900,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - {
- "realtyId": "b2495553-7717-472e-b5c7-aa50554cf27c",
- "realtyTypeCode": "ESTATE_PROPERTY",
- "subcategoryCode": "PROPERTY",
- "property": {
- "designatedShare": {
- "divisible": 1,
- "divider": 3
}, - "jointOwnershipAgreementCode": "REGISTERED",
- "jointOwnershipAgreementDescription": "Hallinnanjakosopimus laaditaan myöhemmin.",
- "parcelId": "564-404-11-82-M601",
- "subdivisionArea": {
- "value": 12,
- "areaUnitCode": "M2"
}, - "primaryDivisionBasisCode": "MAP_ATTACHED",
- "primaryDivisionBasisDescription": "Määräala on lohkottu muulla perusteella",
- "propertyHasBuildings": true,
- "buildingsHaveJointOwnershipAgreement": true,
- "mortgageDeeds": [
- {
- "mortgageDeedFormCode": "PAPER",
- "mortgageDeedIdentifier": "34-63-45",
- "mortgageDeedDate": "2005-10-16"
}, - {
- "mortgageDeedFormCode": "DIGITAL",
- "mortgageDeedIdentifier": "93-23-14",
- "mortgageDeedDate": "2022-12-31"
], - "mortgageDeedLocation": "Tampereen Seudun Osuuspankki",
- "additionalInformation": "Kiinteistöllä on useita panttikirjoja."
}, - "price": {
- "sellingPrice": 129000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
}, - "termsAndConditions": {
- "realtySoldAsLeased": true,
- "leaseConditions": {
- "rentPayableToBuyerSinceDate": "2022-01-15",
- "depositTransferDate": "2022-01-16",
- "rentAmount": 900,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
], - "attachments": [
- {
- "documentTypeCode": "BROCHURE",
- "dateDelivered": "2021-11-24",
- "documentId": "9f17b750-9800-4f50-8b49-68a5f511de87"
}, - {
- "documentTypeCode": "FINANCIAL_STATEMENT",
- "dateDelivered": "2021-11-24"
}, - {
- "documentTypeCode": "LEASEHOLD_CERTIFICATE",
- "dateDelivered": "2021-11-25"
- "message": "Invalid request parameters",
- "description": "Request parameters are missing or have invalid type.",
- "errors": [
- {
- "target": "assignmentId",
- "errorCode": "VALUE_REQUIRED",
- "message": "Mandatory request parameter assignmentId is missing"
}, - {
- "target": "authorId",
- "errorCode": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "message": "Request parameter authorId must be a string"
Deletes the specified purchase offer whose id is given as a path variable.
A purchase offer can be deleted only if its status is: DRAFT
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
- "message": "Invalid request parameters",
- "description": "Request parameters are missing or have invalid type.",
- "errors": [
- {
- "target": "assignmentId",
- "errorCode": "VALUE_REQUIRED",
- "message": "Mandatory request parameter assignmentId is missing"
}, - {
- "target": "authorId",
- "errorCode": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "message": "Request parameter authorId must be a string"
Execute purchase offer action.
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the action to be executed for the purchase offer.
actionCode required | string Enum: "LOCK" "UNLOCK" "ACTIVATE" "OFFEROR_REJECT" "RECEIVER_REJECT" "ACCEPT" 'Action to be executed. The actions can be used to trigger the following status transitions:
{- "actionCode": "LOCK"
- "message": "Invalid request parameters",
- "description": "Request parameters are missing or have invalid type.",
- "errors": [
- {
- "target": "assignmentId",
- "errorCode": "VALUE_REQUIRED",
- "message": "Mandatory request parameter assignmentId is missing"
}, - {
- "target": "authorId",
- "errorCode": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "message": "Request parameter authorId must be a string"
Update purchase offer that is in DRAFT status to it's final status. This method can be used while migrating historical purchase offers from other systems.
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the final status for the purchase offer.
finalOfferStatusCode required | string Enum: "ACCEPTED" "REJECTED" "EXPIRED" Final status for purchase offer. |
decisionTime | string <date-time> Date time when offer was either accepted or rejected. Note: The value must be present if finalOfferStatusCode is |
{- "finalOfferStatusCode": "ACCEPTED",
- "decisionTime": "2023-12-06T12:00:00Z"
- "message": "Invalid request parameters",
- "description": "Request parameters are missing or have invalid type.",
- "errors": [
- {
- "target": "assignmentId",
- "errorCode": "VALUE_REQUIRED",
- "message": "Mandatory request parameter assignmentId is missing"
}, - {
- "target": "authorId",
- "errorCode": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "message": "Request parameter authorId must be a string"
Counter Offer API allows you to create, update and fetch counter offers. Counter offers are modifications to the original offer.
Create a new counter offer.
The counter offer is related either to an purchase offer or another counter offer.
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the details for the counter offer.
required | object Specifies details for the counter offer. The respondent is either a buyer or a seller. |
required | object (OfferValidity) Contains details about offer validity. Note that the end date also includes the time. |
required | Array of objects (CounterOfferAssetPrices) [ items non-empty ] Includes realty-specific prices for the counter offer. The array must include price element for each asset specified in the initial purchase offer. |
{- "counterOffer": {
- "previousCounterOfferId": "d424c654-1966-4e68-9a94-b0f0744c6e58",
- "changesRequiredDescription": "Vapautuminen myöhemmin eli 2022-04-01",
- "approvalDeliveryMethods": [
- {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_EMAIL",
- "deliveryAddress": ""
}, - {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_SMS",
- "deliveryAddress": "+358501235678"
}, - "offerValidity": {
- "validUntil": "2021-08-15T15:00:00.000Z"
}, - "assetPrices": [
- {
- "realtyId": "0e1e2539-c177-46cd-9fcf-47b1af5df8e0",
- "realtyTypeCode": "RESIDENTIAL_SHARE",
- "price": {
- "debtFreePriceAmount": 200000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
{- "counterOfferId": "8a35693d-735a-4dbd-9a3a-8f624654f6df"
Update a counter offer.
The counter offer is related either to an purchase offer or another counter offer.
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
counterOfferId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7808 Unique counter offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the details for the counter offer.
required | object Specifies details for the counter offer. |
required | object (OfferValidity) Contains details about offer validity. Note that the end date also includes the time. |
required | Array of objects (CounterOfferAssetPrices) [ items non-empty ] Includes realty-specific prices for the counter offer. The array must include price element for each asset specified in the initial purchase offer. |
{- "counterOffer": {
- "changesRequiredDescription": "Vapautuminen myöhemmin eli 2022-04-01",
- "approvalDeliveryMethods": [
- {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_EMAIL",
- "deliveryAddress": ""
}, - {
- "deliveryMethodCode": "DELIVERED_BY_SMS",
- "deliveryAddress": "+358501235678"
}, - "offerValidity": {
- "validUntil": "2021-08-15T15:00:00.000Z"
}, - "assetPrices": [
- {
- "realtyId": "0e1e2539-c177-46cd-9fcf-47b1af5df8e0",
- "realtyTypeCode": "RESIDENTIAL_SHARE",
- "price": {
- "debtFreePriceAmount": 200000,
- "currencyCode": "EUR"
- "message": "Invalid request parameters",
- "description": "Request parameters are missing or have invalid type.",
- "errors": [
- {
- "target": "assignmentId",
- "errorCode": "VALUE_REQUIRED",
- "message": "Mandatory request parameter assignmentId is missing"
}, - {
- "target": "authorId",
- "errorCode": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "message": "Request parameter authorId must be a string"
Deletes the specified counter offer whose id is given as a path variable.
A counter offer can be deleted only if its status is: DRAFT
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
counterOfferId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7808 Unique counter offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
- "message": "Invalid request parameters",
- "description": "Request parameters are missing or have invalid type.",
- "errors": [
- {
- "target": "assignmentId",
- "errorCode": "VALUE_REQUIRED",
- "message": "Mandatory request parameter assignmentId is missing"
}, - {
- "target": "authorId",
- "errorCode": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "message": "Request parameter authorId must be a string"
Execute counter offer action.
offerId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7806 Unique offer identifier in UUID format. |
counterOfferId required | string <uuid> Example: ddc25849-7bc7-43c0-9c3b-602cb03f7808 Unique counter offer identifier in UUID format. |
Request-ID required | string <uuid> Example: 9031d1c5-7d40-41dd-b2b8-7919a2fc4fe9 A unique id which identifies the HTTP request. The value of this header must be created by the client. This identifier is used for troubleshooting purposes. |
Contains the action to be executed for the counter offer.
actionCode required | string Enum: "LOCK" "UNLOCK" "ACTIVATE" "OFFEROR_REJECT" "RECEIVER_REJECT" "ACCEPT" 'Action to be executed. The actions can be used to trigger the following status transitions:
{- "actionCode": "LOCK"
- "message": "Invalid request parameters",
- "description": "Request parameters are missing or have invalid type.",
- "errors": [
- {
- "target": "assignmentId",
- "errorCode": "VALUE_REQUIRED",
- "message": "Mandatory request parameter assignmentId is missing"
}, - {
- "target": "authorId",
- "errorCode": "INVALID_TYPE",
- "message": "Request parameter authorId must be a string"